I bought another 1,000 buttons.
And enough upholstery to recover everything in our living room--but we've got little kids so there's no point in doing that for another 15 years. So I guess I'll have the bolts of fabric in my studio for the next 15 years.
And here are some photos of other things I couldn't resist.
They had a 3ft x 4 ft x 4ft big FULL of iron-on embroidery patches. It was impossible to look thru them all, so I asked for a bag and threw in anything that looked vaguely interesting with the intention of picking out my 20 favorites. I set the bag on the counter and kept looking. When I returned, it and some other things were all counted and tied up together and I forgot about my sorting plan. So I came home with 300 more of these things than I intended!
And oh, this lovely beaded fringe!
And I have no idea what this ball fringe could be used for. But I have such FABULOUS memories of my mom's stash of ball fringe when I was a baby. It brings intensely happy, safe, comfortable, fun memories to me because of having it hang on my crib, and being pinned on to my pants when I was pretending to be some animal, and that it was in one of my mom's lower drawers in her sewing room--one than I played in when I was a tiny tot.
SO, now I've got alot of some similar things, but would instead like to swap some of my things for other's things. I've got lots of yarns, some fabrics, notions, doo dads, and of course all of the above.
I'm inviting all bloggers to swap a small-sized priority mail box full of stash goodies with me. If you'd like to do this, please leave a comment (and add a link on your blog if you feel so inclined). I've got lots to share, and am looking forward to broadening my stash. My goal will be to do 20 swaps with folks in 2007. Can I do it?
What kind of stuff are you looking to swap? At first I was thinking I didn't have anything, but I do have some extra buttons... left overs of fabric (but don't know how big of pieces are useful) I've got yarn and ribbon, but, again, I don't know what might be useful... Can you enlighten me??? :)
Ooh! My first taker!
Yes, Carin. I'd be delighted to swap with you. Any of the things you mentioned (except perhaps I DO have enough buttons...). Or a fabulous big bag like you just posted about on your blog. Or some neat-o paper stuff. I think you used to do some fun things with paper, didn't you?
I'll be looking forward to the mail!
Who else is in?!
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