Susan actually made 163 postcards herself, and then each artist could chose one of Susan's postcards to get in exchange for theirs. I chose her postcard #154 and it arrived in an amazingly short time:
It took me a couple of days to send my "Amoeba" postcard back to her because my toddler tinkered with my sewing machine and now it won't run. I had to take my fabric, backing, and thread to a friend's house to finish the edges.
I've got several "Amoeba" pieces of different sizes. They came from our SpirARTuality group's summer fabric painting day. When I painted, I taped on 3-4 layers of fabric, and the Amoeba fabric are the ones that were nearest the bottom of the pile. Only bits and spots of fabric soaked through. I really love the look of it. I then take simple thread and sew around the blobs:
My work is going to be in a show! (With a thousand other artist, but it's still exciting.) Thanks, Susan!!!